房市房市 因房市需求減低, 讓房東不的不想辦法, 例如把大空間的單位, 粉成小單位的空間, 如小辦公室, 先租出, 先分割的先租出, 掮客認為, 以往房東不肯花心思或錢在這方面, 現在面對沒有房客, 租屋率低的情況下, 澎湖民宿也不的不花該花, 如PARK AVE. (蔣宋美齡住在這條街上) 原來是大單位的空間, 價格太高了, 幾時地段好, 也無法租出, 但分成5 各小單位的辦公室, 價錢較合理, 當然馬上租出. Square Feet New York Office Landlords Go 網路行銷Small Sluggish demand for office space in New York has prompted some landlords to think small.Hiroko Masuike for The New York Times David Levinson, chairman of L & L Holding Company, in a prebuilt 591office space in the Metropolitan Tower . In the last 12 months, 90 percent of the building’s prebuilt units have leased. As vacancy rates rise, some developers are splitting large vacant blocks of 借貸space into smaller offices and “prebuilding” them — finishing off the space before finding a tenant. Brokers say that landlords are also pouring more money into small spaces in their buildings 關鍵字排名than they might have a year ago. Take, for example, the Seagram Building , which is at 375 Park Avenue , between 52nd and 53rd Streets. It is a sleek office tower designed by Mies van der Rohe and is 關鍵字廣告home to the Four Seasons restaurant. When five small offices, totaling 30,000 square feet, recently became available, the owner, RFR Holding, a New York real estate company owned by Aby Rosen and 西裝Michael Fuchs, gutted them and started over from scratch. “A year ago, we might have painted and put in some new carpet, because there would have been a better chance of renting the space with some 代償minor renovations,” said Richard Farley, the director of leasing for RFR Realty, the firm’s leasing arm. “But we recognized the value of prebuilding now, rather than waiting to see if the space 21世紀房屋仲介would rent.”

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